indian muslims

What is holding Indian Muslim community back

The opportunist intellectuals within the Indian Muslim community are holding them back

Indian Muslims enjoy unthinkable freedoms: Kashmiri IAS officer

Faesal said that Rishi Sunak's appointment might be a surprise for our neighbours where the Constitution bars non-Muslims from top posts in the Government, but Indian democracy has never discriminated ethnic and religious minorities from the rest.

The Predicament Of Muslim Reformers

Western imported ideas did indeed bring great wealth to the Muslim world, but it was accumulated by upper-class minorities, who built cocoons of modern enclaves far away from the daily grind of the common people, whose fears were already exploited by superstitious mullahs and extremists.

Iran Hijab Controversy: Noida Woman Cuts Hair To Express Solidarity

A woman in Noida cut her hair and posted the video on social media to express solidarity with anti-Hijab protesters in Iran.

The Outrage Industry

Indian Muslims generally can make fun of gods and goddesses of other faiths, but when it comes to their own, out come the swords and stones.

Outsiders Within Muslim Community Will Have To Be Listened To

Hasan Suroor in his book ‘Who Killed Liberal Islam’ keeps reiterating that Muslim liberals or those who are not practising Muslims or summarily reject Sharia laws are outsiders and do not hold much clout among the Muslim masses. This is rich coming from someone who resides abroad, publishes book after book, describing the intolerance of […]

Honour Killings: Muslim Male Has To Be Held Accountable

If there is one reality that drives home the point that freedom-loving, liberal secular, ordinary Muslims are the first victims of the orthodox, ossified, political Islamism – it is honour killing. Unfortunately, in India, it devours the non-Muslims too in its brutality – the ones who dared to challenge the ‘honour’ of the Muslim ummah […]