TNI Illustration by Aman Rawat


While Vivek sure helped reduce the neocon-favourite Nikki Haley’s chances and put Trump ahead in the Republican race, there is no saying how much of a change would be cascaded during this round if Trump wins.

With Vivek Ramaswamy finally opting out of the 2024 US Presidential race, the thin slice of hope for American redemption looks like in tatters. Back in March last year, I had expressed the same concern while speaking about Vivek to the Moscow-based TV channel RT – that the man is too intelligent to be allowed to be the President of a country that is completely under the control of Wall Street and Silicon Valley influenced bureaucratic deep-state. And these last few days of surfing through the different American media outlets was an experience in the same. CNN, NYT, NBC, USA Today, etc houses seemed determined to not mention Vivek even once, or as minimally as possible, and make sure to criticize him, his origins, or his intent during those fleeting mentions. Here was a man: the son of a non-white immigrant duo, who was smart, one of the most well-articulated men in the circuit today, highly educated, extremely intelligent and a very successful entrepreneur – a prototypical confirmation of the fabled American Dream. Small surprise he had to be stopped. I had expressed the same apprehension during my March ’23 interview – that the voters would consider him too bright to be

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