kartikey singh chouhan

EXCLUSIVE | Shivraj’s compassion for women ignited by mother’s loss: MP CM’s son Kartikey Singh Chouhan

BHOPAL: As the anticipation builds for the upcoming Madhya Pradesh elections, The New Indian‘s Executive Editor, Rohan Dua, journeyed to the political epicentre of Bhopal for an exclusive conversation with Kartikey Singh Chouhan, the son of Chief Minister Shivraj Singh Chouhan and a potential face for the Bharatiya Janata Party’s (BJP) leadership. During the interview, Kartikey […]

Shivraj Chauhan’s son’s recipe for long poll campaign: Cold coffee & peanut butter

BHOPAL: As the countdown trickles down to a few days in the run up to  the Madhya Pradesh elections, The New Indian’s Executive Editor Rohan Dua engaged in a conversation about the state’s progress with Chief Minister Shivraj Singh Chauhan’s son, Kartikey Singh Chauhan, in Bhopal on Thursday. During the discussion, the 28-year-old recluse son […]