Javier Milei’s unconventional win reshapes Argentina’s political topography

| Updated: 20 November, 2023 7:20 pm IST
Argentina finds its new president in Javier Milei

NEW DELHI: Argentina, a nation grappling with economic turmoil, has chosen a path less travelled by electing the right-wing libertarian, Javier Milei, as its new president. Milei’s victory represents a seismic shift in the country’s political landscape, opting for an outsider with unconventional views to tackle pressing economic challenges.

The political novice rapidly rose from relative unknown status to remove the entrenched Peronist coalition and its nominee Sergio Massa, who, in his role as Economy Minister, has presided over a 143 per cent inflation rate and unprecedented levels of poverty.

Milei’s Background and Political Stance:

Milei completed his undergraduate studies in economics at the University of Belgrano, subsequently earning both a Master’s and a doctoral degree in Economics from the Instituto de Desarrollo Económico y Social and Torcuato di Tella University, respectively. Following the principles of the Austrian School of Economics, which prioritises free markets, individualism, and limited government interference, he has been an advocate for these economic tenets.

Nicknamed ‘El Loco’ (The Madman), Milei has been compared to figures like Wolverine, Trump, and Bolsonaro due to his unconventional persona. Formerly a media personality, Milei transitioned to politics five years ago, gaining prominence for his candid discussions on economic challenges in Argentina. Elected to Congress in 2021, his recent presidential victory reflects widespread frustration with corruption and mismanagement contributing to the nation’s severe economic crisis.

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Milei’s policy proposals, endorsed by the country’s main conservative bloc, include unconventional measures such as closing the central bank and adopting the US dollar as Argentina’s official currency. He also supports laxer gun controls and tighter rules on abortion, prompting critics to highlight his lack of political experience and eccentric demeanour.

Bitcoin and Economic Shifts:

Milei’s support for Bitcoin has drawn attention globally, particularly in the crypto community. In a time of economic crisis and inflation, his victory raises the possibility of Argentina exploring cryptocurrency solutions. Reports suggest a potential meeting between Milei and El Salvador’s President Nayib Bukele, known for embracing Bitcoin.

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Former US President Donald Trump’s congratulatory message, echoing a call to “Make Argentina Great Again,” highlights the interest in Milei’s unconventional leadership from international figures. The use of hyper-inflated Argentinian pesos as confetti during celebrations emphasises the urgency of addressing the country’s economic challenges.

Unconventional Leadership and Economic Challenges:

Milei’s unconventional approach extends to symbolic acts such as smashing a piñata of the central bank on live TV, reinforcing his commitment to aggressive economic measures. However, critics express concerns about potential “buyer’s remorse” if Milei pursues radical ideas such as legalising the sale of human organs and downplaying crimes of Argentina’s past dictatorship.

As Milei assumes the presidency, Argentina faces a critical juncture. With inflation nearing 150 per cent, a weakening currency, and rising poverty, his leadership will be closely scrutinised for its effectiveness. Milei’s unorthodox policies challenge traditional political norms, leaving both supporters and sceptics eager to witness the outcomes of this new era in Argentine politics.

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