Ukraine war

Russian President Vladimir Putin meets Xi Jinping in Beijing

Russian President Vladimir Putin met his counterpart Xi Jinping in Beijing during his two-day state visit to China. This is the Russian leader's first foreign trip since his re-election in March and the second visit to China in just over six months. Indicating China's strategic significance for Russia amid Western sanctions it is facing over its offensive in Ukraine.

Russia seeks clarification from Canada for honouring Nazi fighter

NEW DELHI: A controversy has erupted in Canada following the Canadian Parliament’s recent decision to honour a Ukrainian soldier who fought for Nazi Germany during World War II. This development has prompted a strong reaction from Russia, which has demanded clarification from Ottawa. Ukrainian soldier Yaroslav Hunka (98) was given a standing ovation by Ukrainian President […]

Ukraine commander forces women soldiers: sex or husband to fight Russians

Ukrainian army has been accused of widespread corruption and sexual harassment of women soldiers

Was NATO’s Vilnius Summit about distributing Ukraine’s territory?

As Ukraine's counteroffensive struggles, Western corporations have moved in to ensure Ukrainian assets are in their control when the nation falls.

Watch Wagner boss very carefully: Ex-UK Army chief to Ukraine

Former UK Army chief has warned Ukraine against potential cross-border attacks by exiled Wagner boss

Russia ‘buying back’ military supplies from India, Myanmar: Report

The re-purchased military equipment would be used to improve Russia's older weapon systems as Moscow prepares for Ukraine's counter-offensive

US army veteran says Ukraine destined to lose Russia war

US Army veteran says tactical Russian advances will be more visible when Ukraine launches it counter-offensive

Pakistani rockets ‘not of good quality’, complain Ukrainian troops

Pakistan has been supplying weapons to Ukraine since the beginning of its war with Russia.

Poonch attack a lesson for Indians sympathising with Pakistan

Since India has the advantage now of choosing the place, time, or the mode, the options are many. Breakaway provinces (KPK, the Durand ‘zone’, Baluchistan, G-B), civil unrest, Punjabi racism, economic turmoil – it is almost an open season with the right kind of intent and strategy.

80% Indians have a positive view of Russia as an ally, finds survey

The survey reflects the view of the citizens of various countries -- US, UK, EU 9, Turkiye, China and India on the perception of the general masses of their diplomatic relations with Russia.