Haryana, which has recently seen the change of guard after Nayab Singh Saini replaced the incumbent CM Manohar lal Khattar, will now have a two-month period to set off for the Lok Sabha elections on its 10 seats as part of a single-day Lok sabha polling that wil be held on May 25.The Lok Sabha polling may also set the tone for Haryana’s 2024 state assembly election to be held later this year.
Khattar's resignation on Tuesday highlighted apparent tensions within the BJP-JJP coalition government. He tendered his resignation to Governor Bandaru Dattatreya before the BJP's legislature party meeting.
The CM announcement sent shockwaves of anticipation and excitement through supporters, with a diverse crowd, including supporters of prominent leaders like Shivraj Singh Chouhan, Jyotiraditya Scindia, Kailash Vijayvargiya, and Prahlad Singh Patel, gathering outside the BJP office.
NEW DELHI: Animal rights activist and Bharatiya Janata Party’s member of Parliament Maneka Gandhi questioned Gurugram police’s alleged lack of action in filing a First Information Report against the controversial YouTuber Elvish Yadav, on Monday. Saurav Gupta, a PFA activist, told The New Indian, “If Gurugram police don’t file an FIR, they will be compelled […]
NEW DELHI: Controversial YouTuber and an accused in the snake venom smuggling case, Elvish Yadav is set to be summoned for a third time by the Noida Police, after he skipped the second summon citing health issues. According to police officials, the five accused who had been remanded to police custody for 54 hours, had […]
NEW DELHI: On Monday, the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) attempted to attribute the pollution crisis in Delhi-NCR to Haryana, emphasising the state’s close proximity to the national capital. Priyanka Kakkar, AAP’s national spokesperson, called for a review of the pollution control efforts implemented by the government led by Manohar Lal Khattar since 2014. “The stubble burning […]
NEW DELHI: Bharatiya Janata Party leader Maneka Gandhi called for the arrest of Big Boss OTT S2 winner Elvish Yadav’s arrest after a video of him holding and playing with a snake surfaced on social media on Friday. Gandhi’s call for his arrest had been on the pretext of a complaint that had been filed […]
Elvish Yadav, the Haryanvi YouTube sensation who clinched the Big Boss OTT title, received an overwhelming reception at Tau Devi Lal stadium. Amidst deafening applause, Haryana's Chief Minister praised his talent
Communal violence has claimed three lives and resulted in internet bans and imposition of Section 144 of CrPC in five districts
There is a dirty fight going on between Haryana Chief Minister Manohar Lal Khattar and his Punjab counterpart Bhagwant Mann over stubble burning. Ever since it came to power, Aam Aadmi Party has always blamed Punjab farmer’s stubble burning for Delhi’s pollution woos. With AAP coming in power in Punjab as well, they are being […]