NEW DELHI: Following concerns regarding Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal being imprisoned coming to the fore, the Aam Aadmi Party started the ‘Main Bhi Kejriwal’ signature campaign in Delhi on Friday, in the presence of state Convenor and Minister Gopal Rai. The campaign was kicked off through a door-to-door campaign in Laxmi Nagar. Rai voiced […]
NEW DELHI: On Tuesday, Delhi Environment Minister Gopal Rai attributed the ‘severe’ air quality index in the national capital to the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP). He asserted that leaders from the party were encouraging the bursting of crackers, despite the Supreme Court’s prohibition. Rai highlighted that the police forces in Delhi, Haryana, and Uttar Pradesh […]
Delhi government intends to thoroughly assess the recent Supreme Court order before implementing the odd-even traffic rule
NEW DELHI: In a major step ahead, the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) government on Monday announced a Rs 7,000 festival bonus for Group B and C non-gazetted employees in anticipation of Diwali. Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal has revealed that a sum of Rs 56,000 crores was allocated to provide Diwali bonuses to Group B and C […]
NEW DELHI: As winters begin to arrive in Delhi, so does that time of the year when the national capital deals with lung-choking pollution. A political war of words has already begun as Delhi’s Environment Minister Gopal Rai and Service Minister Atishi have demanded the suspension of DPCC Chief IAS Ashwini Kumar in a press conference. […]
AAP’s campaign to save democracy and constitution of the country
The 136 sanctioned schemes include those meant for improving roads, drains, water bodies, community centres, parks, cremation centres, playgrounds, etc.
The Commission for Air Quality Management (CAQM) has implemented Stage 4 of GRAP (Graded Response Action Plan) in the national capital as the pollution level crosses over into the severe category.
Delhi Environment minister Gopal Rai on Tuesday imposed a fine of ₹5 lakh on Larsen and Toubro, a construction company, for violation of environmental norms at the construction site of the BJP headquarters extension.
Like every year, Chhath Puja celebrations in Delhi-NCR have been marred by political bickering on air and water pollution in the national capital. Even as devotees from Delhi, Noida and Ghaziabad line up to take a dip in the water of Yamuna, politics is ruling the roost. Both AAP and BJP are sparring endlessly over […]