
Monsoon brings rising cases of Dengue: Follow these preventive steps

NEW DELHI: With the arrival of the monsoon season, relief from the sweltering heat is accompanied by an unwelcome surge in mosquito-borne diseases, particularly dengue. The same has happened in various parts of the country, where dengue cases have notably increased. Odisha, Karnataka, Kerala, Telangana, Andhra Pradesh, and Maharashtra are the most affected states. Karnataka […]

Know everything about sensorineural hearing loss, disorder diagnosed in singer Alka Yagnik

NEW DELHI: Renowned veteran singer Alka Yagnik recently revealed her diagnosis of a rare sensorineural hearing loss. She shared the news on her Instagram a few days ago, revealing that she suddenly felt she could not hear anything. “I want to break my silence now for all my friends and well-wishers who have been asking me […]

Delhi Health Minister criticizes Health Secretary’s absence

NEW DELHI: Delhi Health Minister Saurabh Bharadwaj has submitted a complaint letter to the Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA) regarding the extended absence of Secretary (Health) S.B. Deepak Kumar, who reportedly took leave without obtaining necessary permissions. In the letter addressed to the Ministry, Bharadwaj criticized the lack of response and action from central authorities […]

Be prepared for monsoon: Tips to stay healthy

NEW DELHI: Summers in India get hotter every year, and this year too, the heatwaves and scorching sun call for the cool showers of rain. The monsoon season is soon to arrive in North India, though in some parts it has already begun. July is the month when the rainy season spreads across the country. […]

Robotic heart surgery: Future of cardiac care in India

NEW DELHI: The advent of robotic technology in surgical procedures is revolutionising cardiac care in India. First introduced in Chennai five years ago, robotic heart surgery is now making significant strides across the country. Traditional open-heart surgery requires a 14 cm incision, whereas robotic surgery only needs a 4 cm cut, utilizing high magnification for […]