
Case for a Uniform Civil Code in India

Reforms of personal laws have been resisted by misogynistic, medieval mentalities, male ulemas and power-hungry elite Muslim pressure groups

Race, gender, abortion: Left vs Right is tearing US apart

US may well be moving towards civil war over abortion, gun control, and race and that eventuality might be upon us sooner than later

Why Sabrina Siddiqui failed as a journalist at White House press conference

Siddiqui's online abuse is utterly condemnable. But as a journalist, scrutiny is warranted. Her loaded question raised concerns for valid reasons. And no, tracing ancestry to Sir Syed Ahmed Khan doesn't make you an expert on India or her well-wisher

Did Putin mismanage Prigozhin affair?

Putin is not the bare-bodied bear-riding wild leader of a lawless land. He is, at his core, a bureaucrat with the constitution of a chess player

When Obama goes low, Modi goes high

PM Narendra Modi upholds the principle of going high amidst former US President Barack Obama's ‘low’ remarks